Not all service after the sale, is done after the sale. Although strange sounding sometimes it is better to anticipate a need ahead of time. We feel that understanding the needs of the customer is critical for a good outcome. This can take the form of asking some unexpected questions about how the current roof has performed. I find more often than not the customer already knows their own roof but may lack a complete picture. Our goal at Mountain Goat Roofing is not to merely install a reliable roof covering, but also to help our customers identify areas needing attention. Often these areas cannot be seen from the ground. For example, rotted wood, broken chimney caps, rodent entry points, chronic moss area, often occur in areas that the customer cannot easily see. Mountain Goat Roofing helps bring these areas to your attention so you are able to decide if these concerns should be addressed during the roofing job or to be addressed at a later time. Often, it is much more economical to remedy these issues during the roof work and not later. Sometimes, it is not until years later that a simple question asked at the initial consult saves a service call. Such was the case with a customer whose home Mountain Goat Roofing, roofed nine years earlier.
She writes;
“Dear Aza,
Thank you so much for taking the time after hours to call us about the roof color we chose in 2013. It was service above and beyond. Also, your suggestion that we put in a structure for our stove and will be used this spring in our kitchen remodel. You are welcome to post this on your website. “– Elizabeth Riggs